Saturday, 14 September 2013

SPOON # 35 - Saturday 31 August

I should begin with an apology. It has been weeks since I posted anything on this blog and I am doing these next few posthumously. At the end of August I started a new job as Assistant Head at a special school for children from aged 4 to 19 with physical and mental disabilities, and to say it has been a bit of a challenge, a steep learning curve or a baptism of fire would all be grossly understating the way I have felt over the past three weeks or so. Which brings me to the point of my preamble - I have not had time for carving, nor blogging, and don't realistically see that changing any time soon - at least for the next month or so, but possibly right up till Christmas. So, it is with regret that I am going to have to graciously bow out of my initial 52 weeks challenge of producing a spoon a week for a year. I will try, and when I do manage to carve, I will post and until then I am going to hand the reigns over to my brother Julian who will post one of his spoons each week instead - until I am up and running again.

In the mean time, here is a spoon that I carved a few weeks ago. It was tough going as it was from a piece of well-seasoned ash, which as you will know is one of the strongest and hardest woods. It was a small piece I came across on my wood pile, waiting to be burnt, and couldn't really bring myself to throw it on the fire as it is what I think is called jigged, or fiddled - meaning the tree it came from grew under some kind of stress and instead of having straight lines of grain, it has crinckled, zig-zagged grain instead. It is absoulutely beautiful and I used some before, when it was green and plentiful. Now I have run out of that particular wood, I thought I would rather struggle through carving some seasoned wood than simply watch it burn. It has a wonderful striped effect when you look across the grain and is zig-zagged when viewed straight-on. The close up photo of the end of the handle will show this lovely pattern, I hope.

Sorry - this is an absolutely awful shot of the side of my spoon - it looks more like a golf club than a spoon - trust me when I say it actually looks a lot better than this!

And nothing to do with spoons, but my song of the week, which I can't get out of my head and keep listening to over and over again, is a cracker by Grizzly Bear, called 'Two Weeks'. You might recognise it from the Youview advert currently on TV, but it is from their album which I was given a couple of years ago, but never really got into. I love it - hope it makes you smile as much as it does me.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Richard,
    I've missed reading your regular weekly posting on the spoons you've carved, and wondered what has happened recently. I'm also a teacher, not a million miles away from you in Nuneaton, and fully understand the pressures put on you by others and yourself ... add to that that you're working with SEND and you can multiply it by 100. But don't forget about yourself, I try work on a spoon at least once a week, that often means putting it in a resealable sandwich bag and then in the freezer. So a spoon can take weeks to do, but I've had an hour doing something I really enjoy. Hope the job settles down soon and try and set some time for your carving,
